In all Swiss academic and research institutions
The Data and Service Center for the Humanities (DaSCH) offers workshops to give insight into the current state of its tools and the goals of DaSCH.
DaSCH enables scholars to upload their qualitative datasets from all areas of the humanities, including law and theology, for long-term preservation. The DaSCH Service Platform (DSP) was designed to accommodate data with a complex internal structure, including data that could be stored in relational, graph or No-SQL databases. The DSP repository is a place for conducting research. The DSP can store texts, images, audio and video recordings, metadata, annotations, text markup, and any other data created by humanities research. It is designed for long-term preservation, while providing powerful tools for searching, annotating, extending, linking, sharing and reusing data.
For more on DaSH and DSP, see here.
Workshops offered by the DaSCH team are generally divided into two parts:
✅ In the first part we will inform about DaSCH’s vision, goals and current projects.
✅In the second part is a hands-on part where participants will receive a training in DSP.
Nevertheless, the DaSCH team can also tailor workshops to the specific needs of your team.
If you are interested in organising such a workshop in your institution, please write to info@dasch.swiss