After the first preparatory workshop of the DARIAH-CH GLAM Working Group, which was held in Lucerne on September 5, 2024, we are happy to announce the second preparatory workshop. As a reminder, the GLAM Working Group’s mission is to strengthen the cooperation between the Heritage Sector, the Cultural Sector, Public Administration, and the Digital Humanities in the area of data and data infrastructures.
Date: December 3, 2024
Time: 4-5:30 PM
Place: online
The goal of this online session is to share the status of the work towards setting up the DARIAH-CH GLAM Working Group and get participants' opinions and perspectives on what we have elaborated so far. This work is based on the insights that have been gathered during the first preparatory workshop.
The session will be interactive and there will be ample room for discussion and exchange of opinions. No preparation or prior knowledge is required for participating in this session. The outputs of this session will be used as a basis for the official kick-off of the working group which is planned for early 2025.
Agenda for the session:
Introduction : DARIAH and GLAM in Switzerland and in other DARIAH countries
Recap: overview of the results of 1st preparatory workshop
=> read results here
Presentation of pillars and objectives for the DARIAH-CH GLAM Working Group
=> read and comment pillars here
=> read and comment objectives here
Breakout session: collect feedback on pillars and objectives, as well as suggestions of concrete actions to be taken
Wrap up : general discussion
Target participants:
Arts and Humanities researchers from Swiss higher education institutions
Arts and Humanities data management experts
GLAM professionals
Open Science and ORD officers
representatives of Heritage sector, Cultural sector and Public administration interested in the topic of the WG
To attend the online session, please register here until December 1. The Zoom link will be sent to participants who have registered.
If you cannot make it to the session but would still like to contribute, please let us know and we will be happy to share the draft document(s) with you for your comments and questions.