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GLAM Working Group


The GLAM Working Group’s mission is to strengthen the cooperation between libraries, archives, museums, heritage institutions, and the Arts and Humanities in the area of digital infrastructures. Its activities aim towards building a scholarly community of practice focusing on sharing data, tools, services, and knowledge to produce digitally enabled scholarship that is reusable, visible, and sustainable.


The working group is coordinated by: Iolanda Pensa (SUPSI), Cristina Grisot (DARIAH-CH), Rita Gautschy (DaSCH), Christiane Sybille (ETZH Library), Pierre-Louis Blanchard (Swiss National Museum) and Heike Bazak (Museum of Communication / PTT-ARCHIV)


Overarching objectives:
  • Support thematic projects that can facilitate a conversation between the GLAM institutions, including their respective networks, and scientific research areas with respect to opening data and carrying out joint projects.

  • Establish good collaboration relationships with public administrations of cantons with the aim to facilitate the GLAM institutions’ participation in joint projects with arts and humanities scientific research

  • Identify national and European multiplier entities and onboard them in the DARIAH-CH GLAM WG

  • Coordinate with related initiatives at the European level, especially thematic working groups, such as DARIAH, Europeana, Wikimedia, and others.


First preparatory workshop

The preparatory workshop of the DARIAH-CH GLAM Working Group took place on September 5, 2024 on the occasion of the GLAMhack24. Participants brainstormed and prioritised the opportunities, the challenges and the success factors of a closer cooperation between Digital Humanities and GLAM institutions. 


​​Second preparatory workshop

​The second preparatory workshop took place on December 3, 2024, in the form of an online session. The goal of the session was to share the status of the work towards setting up the DARIAH-CH GLAM Working Group and get participants' opinions and perspectives on the insights collected in the first workshop. ​


Next steps​
  • Organise the first meeting of the WG: March 6, 2025

  • Organise the official kick-off event of the WG during spring 2025​


Read more

More detailed documentation for the work of the WG can be found on its wikimedia collaborative work space: 


To subscribe to the mailing list of this WG, please send an email to and put “subscribe” as the subject line.​​

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