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DARIAH-CH GLAM WG: recap from second preparatory workshop

Writer's picture: Cristina GrisotCristina Grisot

Updated: Dec 16, 2024

The second preparatory workshop of the DARIAH-CH GLAM Working Group took place online on December 3, 2024. A total of 24 persons attended the workshop.

 Background of participants:

  • Arts and Humanities researchers

  • Data management experts

  • GLAM professionals

  • University librarians

  • Data stewards

  • Digital scholarship specialists

The convenors of the WG shared the status of the work towards setting up the DARIAH-CH GLAM Working Group and got participants' opinions and perspectives on what we have elaborated so far.

Content of the session:

  1. Introduction : DARIAH and GLAM in Switzerland and in other DARIAH countries

    -> find slides here

  2. Recap and discussion of challenges and opportunities for the collaboration between arts and humanities researchers and GLAM institutions

    -> read results from first preparatory workshop here

    -> additions from the second preparatory workshop:

    • different GLAM sections progress with different speeds when it comes to opening their data and the digitisation process of their collections

    • economical sustainability of DH and GLAM projects

    • encourage data citation and the use of open licences

    • integrate FAIR and CARE principles

    • technical skills are required to access and process data

  3. Pillars and objectives for the DARIAH-CH GLAM Working Group

    -> no revisions were made to the pillars (read here)

    -> no significant revisions were made to the objectives formulated after the first preparatory workshop (read here). It's worth mentioning two main ideas: add FAIR and CARE principles and reach out to administrative institutions through existing collaborations.

    -> proposal of revised mission for the WG

    • The GLAM Working Group’s mission is to strengthen the cooperation between libraries, archives, museums, heritage institutions, and the Arts and Humanities in the area of digital infrastructures. Its activities aim towards building a scholarly community of practice focusing on sharing data, tools, services, and knowledge to produce digitally enabled scholarship that is reusable, visible, and sustainable.

  4. Suggestions of Action lines for the WG:

    -> focus on training (e.g. 3D, data formats, data reuse)

    -> collaborate with existing initiatives

    -> raise funds in a structured and collaborative manner

    -> organise joint events

    -> implement easy-to-achieve joint projects

    -> create a common collaborative space for the WG

    -> invite GLAM institutions to join the DARIAH-CH Consortium

  5. Next steps

    -> Next meeting of the WG: February 2025

    -> Organise the official kickoff event of the WG during spring 2025

    -> Move the documentation of the WG on Metawiki

We are very thankful to all participants for their contributions and are looking forward to the next steps.

Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions.

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