Swiss Study Day of Historicism
The Swiss Digital Research Infrastructure for arts and humanities
About Us
The current DARIAH-CH consortium was constituted on 30 November 2021 by the Universities of Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Neuchâtel and Zurich, the Università della Svizzera italiana, the EPFL and the SAGW/SAHSS. Later on, three universities of applied sciences - SUPSI, the FHNWM and the BKB - also joined the consortium.
The mission of the DARIAH-CH Consortium is to build an active and impactful national network to enhance and support digitally-enabled research and teaching across the arts and humanities.
With the establishment of the consortium, the scientific community manifests its interest in a national coordination of DARIAH-relevant activities as well as the participation of Switzerland in DARIAH-EU as full member.
DARIAH’s activities in Switzerland are coordinated by the Swiss National Data and Service Center for the Humanities DaSCH.
PD Dr. Rita Gautschy, director of DaSCH, is acting as National Coordinator, while Dr. Cristina Grisot, National Coordination Officer, organises all DARIAH-CH activities and manages the DARIAH requests for Switzerland.
Prof. Dr. Tobias Hodel, from the University of Bern, acts as president of the DARIAH-CH Consortium.
Switzerland's participation in DARIAH
Background: From Cooperating Partners to Full Member
The first DARIAH-CH consortium was constituted on 21 November 2018 by the Universities of Basel, Berne, Geneva, Lausanne, Neuchâtel and Zurich, the EPFL and the SAGW/SAHSS.
The current DARIAH-CH consortium was constituted on 30 November 2021 by the Universities of Basel, Berne, Geneva, Lausanne, Neuchâtel and Zurich, the Università della Svizzera italiana, the EPFL and the SAGW/SAHSS. During 2023, three new institutions joined the national consortium: Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI), the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW and the Bern Academy of the Arts HKB.
The National DARIAH Coordination Office Switzerland officially joined DARIAH ERIC as Observer on January 1, 2021. Before joining nationally, Switzerland participated in DARIAH through a number of institutions that joined with the status of Cooperating Partners. In November 2020, the General Assembly of the DARIAH ERIC voted unanimously to accept Switzerland’s application for the status of Observer in the Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities for a period of three years.
After participating in DARIAH as Observer for 1.5 years, Switzerland joined as full member on June 1, 2023.