Study Day 2022
The second DARIAH-CH Study Day took place on October 20, 2022, at the Università della Svizzera italiana, Mendrisio.
Digital approaches to the arts and humanities require new skill sets and stable infrastructures to make the digital turn a fruitful endeavour for scholars and the public. Central pieces of infrastructures are surrounding communities that not only rely on services but furthermore exchange openly about possibilities, pitfalls, and outlooks of methods and approaches. DARIAH has supported this vision since its inception in 2006.
This one-day event aimed to familiarize participants with ongoing research in the broad field of Digital Humanities in Switzerland. The program showcased the thriving ecosystem of research, support entities, and teaching in the Digital Humanities in Switzerland. In parallel, we fostered an inclusive community and made participants aware of existing infrastructures.
We were happy to welcome:
2 Plenaries
Plenary 1: Reliable Semantic Indexing of Historical Newspapers at Scale: Are We There Yet? Findings from the impresso Project and Future Perspectives by Maud Ehrmann (UNIL/EPFL)
Plenary 2: From Vision to Application : DARIAH’s Services to Enable Researchers in SSH by Edward Gray (DARIAH EU)
8 Project presentations
5 Infrastructure pitches
15 Poster slams
On site Poster session
Have a look at the Programme and the Book of Abstracts. All presentations and posters may be found on the DARIAH-CH Zenodo community.
We are very thankful to Myrjam Hostettler, DH UNIBE, who took photos during the event! Have a look at the video below!