The Social Sciences and Humanities Open Marketplace, built as part of the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud project (SSHOC), is a discovery portal which pools and contextualises resources for Social Sciences and Humanities research communities: tools, services, training materials, datasets, publications and workflows.
The SSH Open Marketplace is:
a discovery portal, to foster serendipity in digital methods
an aggregator of useful and well curated resources
a catalogue, contextualising resources
As such, the Marketplace highlights and showcases solutions and research practices for every step of the SSH research data life cycle. Discover the most essential information about the SSH Open Marketplace in its flyer here.
Value proposition:
Discoverability and findability of research services and products are essential to enable sharing and re-use of workflows and methodologies.
As a domain-oriented discovery portal and the aggregator of the SSHOC project, the SSH Open Marketplace, contributes directly to the EOSC, supplementing existing services such as the EOSC Catalogue & Marketplace, and facilitating the fluid exchange of tools, services, data, and knowledge.
After the end of the SSHOC project, 3 ERICs and some of their national nodes will ensure the sustainability of the SSH Open Marketplace: DARIAH, CLARIN and CESSDA. The day-to-day maintenance and the data quality of the SSH Open Marketplace is ensure by the Editorial Team. Two institutions act as service providers on behalf of these ERICs: the Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage (ACDH-CH) and the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC) providing the data ingestion pipeline as well as hosting and maintenance for the service.
Call for contributions
The DARIAH-CH community is called to contribute to the SSH Open Marketplace: you can add new resources and/or enrich existing resources. As a researcher in Social Sciences and Humanities, you are called to contribute to the SSH Open Marketplace because this is an opportunity to promote your own work - by adding the tools or training materials you’ve created as items in the Marketplace - or to support the uptake of the tools you use in your work on a daily basis - by creating or enriching the records of the resources you are familiar with.
Contributing is possible by signing in using your institutional credentials. Please, read this introduction to the SSH Open Marketplace and the guidelines for adding DARIAH national resources.
For more information about the SSH Open Marketplace, please read the documentation about the service, the data population, the technical aspects, the API and the team.