The newly released report by the Sounding Board of Service Providers offers a comprehensive analysis and actionable recommendations to build a more sustainable and collaborative ORD system in Switzerland, while enhancing connections to global research initiatives.
ORD Sounding Board of Service Providers
Christoph Witzig, chair, Switch
Abdel Benhauresch, NICT
Christophe Dessimoz and Lucy Poveda, SIB
Chiara Gabella and Clemens Trautwein, SLiNER
Georg Lutz and Bojana Tasic, FORS
Oksana Riba Grognuz and Olivier Verscheure, SDSC
Rita Gautschy and Ivan Subo c, DaSCH
Thomas Geiger, SPHN
The report focuses on five critical domains:
➡️ Data Archiving & Sharing
➡️ User Access
➡️ Technical Interoperability
➡️ Data Reuse
➡️ Alignment with the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)
Discover more about these recommendations and access the full report here: