DARIAH Working Group Open Meetings 2021 Online | Ongoing
The series of the DARIAH Working Group Open Meetings 2021 is ongoing and open to everyone to attend. Running until December 2021, the aim of these Open Meetings is to present current work undertaken by the Working Groups in 2020 and 2021 and share future plans, providing a space for exchange, dialogue and collaboration. Recordings from previous Open Meetings of this series are already published on Youtube.
Upcoming Meetings:
Thursday, November 25 | 10:30-12:00 CET: Open Meeting organised by the Community Engagement Working Group presenting reflections from the past year and inviting all participants to discuss potential needs in Community Engagement.
Thursday, December 2 | 10:30-12:00 CET: Open Meeting organised by the Research Data Management Working Group which will introduce the group, its aims and scope as well as the first outcomes (disciplinary data workflows, shared collection, materials from past training events). In the second part of the meeting, smaller groups will be formed to work on the four main task forces.
Thursday, December 9 | 10:30-12:00 CET: Open Meeting organised by the UDigiSH (Digital Practices for the Study of Urban Heritage) Working Group presenting results of the WG workshop that took place in Palermo, Italy in July 2021, and discussing about digital tools, co-creation, public space, built heritage, crowdsourcing, and spatial data management.
Thursday, December 16 | 10:30-12:00 CET: Open Meeting organised by our latest Working Group, Theatralia, introducing the group and its members, outlining results from a past workshop aimed to educate the theater workers on new digital practices in the theater and discussing the methodology of upcoming work on the international theater registry in 2022.
Find the schedule of the whole series here | Participation upon registration