DARIAH-EU announces the line-up and registration details for the upcoming Spring series of the Friday Frontiers webinars.
The basic details for each can be found below, and a full description of each talk along with speaker biographies can be found in this PDF:
Friday 7th March, 10.30am GMT / 11.30am CET / 12.30pm EET
Title: Performing Arts Studies and Digital Humanities
Speaker: Clarisse Bardiot (Renne 2 University)
Friday 11th April, 10.30am IST / 11.30am CEST / 12.30pm EEST
Title: Multilingual DH and Its Users: A UX-based Community Exploration
Speakers: Aliz Horvath (Central European University, Vienna), Cosima Wagner (Freie Universität Berlin University Library), David Joseph Wrisley (NYU Abu Dhabi).
Friday 2nd May, 4pm IST / 5pm CEST / 6pm EEST (note different time to usual)
Title: Thinking With Machines: How Academics Can Use Generative AI Thoughtfully and Ethically
Speaker: Mark Carrigan, University of Manchester