Between FAIR and CARE: challenges and opportunities for data management
DARIAH-CH Study Day 2024 will take place at the Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW on 22 November.
This year's edition of the DARIAH-CH Study Day wants to address the tensions and/or the opportunities related to FAIR and CARE principles for the Arts and Humanities.
In addition to a Roundtable discussion, presentations of data stewardship initiatives at different Swiss higher education institutions and of the DaSCH data curation workflow, a core part of the event will be the presentation of data and related issues in the context of FAIR and CARE from ongoing research projects.
Call for contributions: data pitches
We open a call for data pitches on research data in arts and humanities: we invite researchers - especially PhD students and postdocs - to present their research data (type, particularities) and to discuss what challenges they encounter in relation to the data life cycle in the context of FAIR and CARE principles. We also welcome pitches on data that has not been yet collected and which would present particular challenges when it comes to the tension between FAIR vs. CARE approaches to data management.
If you want to pitch your project to experts (data stewards and other data management experts) and the members of the scientific community, please submit a 500 words abstract with a description of your project, your data and your challenges. Submissions should be done before 30 October 2024. We are looking forward to reading your abstracts!
Participation to the event is free. We offer coffee breaks and lunch, and kindly ask participants and their institutions to cover for travel costs. Please register to take part in the event by November 15 at the latest.
Register here
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